Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sunshine Golf Classic

Each year at about this time, I am invited to be the photographer at the Alexandra Golf Club 'Sunshine Golf Classic'. This two day contest attracts lady players from all over the country, and always has a full field. My job description is 'photograph the winners, but do it on the first day', which means I have to photograph everyone who turns up to play. So I do them all in groups of four, during the first day's play. Some years ago a lady told me, after she had finished, that her golf got much better after her photo was taken. So I tell them all that "now you have had the photo done, your golf will improve". For some reason, it seems to be true, though some of them deny it. We do not always get Sunshine for this contest, but I think the word refers more to the state of mind, rather than the weather. Sometimes, if I am not booked for something else, I go back to the Club for the prize giving, and I must say the prizes are worth getting.
The above photo is of this years winners. These two ladies come from the Owaka Golf Club, and have been playing in this contest for some years. This was their first win.
Well done ladies, I will see you again next year, I hope.

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